President's Update
Week of Dec 15
Your Executive, Mike Jenkins (Unit-Chair Pickle Lines) and Steve Fleming (Unit-Chair ES&S) had a meeting on Monday Dec 16th at your union hall. Present at the meeting was Cliff Smith (COO Cleveland Cliffs), Rob Fischer (VP HR Cleveland Cliffs) and Sara Blake (VP HR Stelco). It was more or less just a small information session. One thing Cliff brought up was that one of the blast furnaces they have in Cleveland has been idled. That affects us in our Push Schedule in the Coke Ovens. Starting the first week of January our Battery will start a 52 oven push schedule down from 60 ovens. It was stated that this will only be in affect until the second half of 2025.
HR is now accepting applications for the final stage of the Production to Trades Initiative. All applications need to be in by December 18th, 2024.
Stelco is finalizing the paperwork from the meeting we had about our pending and current arbitrations. Once the members signoff on the resolves we will release more information.
This week so far I have been to the HSM, HSF, Plant Services...
"Are we running skinny slabs so they can ship them to the states to be run?" Confirmed that no they are not shipping slabs down to the states, if anything they will be sending orders from the States to Canada.