President's Update
Week of Feb 9
Now that the executive order has been signed it looks like the tariffs on steel will be going ahead on March 12th. I have a call into Dave Rivard for an update on the business plan moving ahead, he is in Cleveland this week.
Pickle Lines have moved 5 of their workers to the HSM for general clean up. I made the request that they move some extra people to help in the Steelshop as they are shorthanded right now. There is a New Hire class going on this week. There are 4 production workers going to the BOSC, 2 production workers to the Blast Furnace, and 3 production workers to the HSM.
Last Monday a motion was brought forth to endorse MPP Candidate Bobbi Ann Brady in the upcoming election. It was passed and she came by the hall Tuesday afternoon to accept her endorsement and thanks all those who support her.
"The current Executive voted down the motion for post-retirement benefits moving forward, therefore they don't think we should keep them."
Absolutely not. Your current Executive believes we should not only keep post-retirement benefits, but they should also be enhanced to the same level as the active members. The ELHT (Employee, Life, Health Trust) was established in 2017 coming out of CCAA. It was a deal that was reached to ensure post-retirement benefits for 10 years. That agreement is up for renewal in negotiations in 2027. It is your current Executives' stance that they must remain moving forward. If anyone would like to discuss this in greater detail, please call me, 905-977-9415.