In Memoriam

Any information about arrangements for the passing of our members would be greatly appreciated.

In Loving Memory

Doug Kent

Doug was a retiree from the HSM

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Michael Moore

Michael Moore

Michael was a retireed electricial

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John Kovacich

John Kovacich

John was a CMC retiree

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James McGragh

James McGragh

James was a retired Millwright from LEW

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Peter Siemens

Peter Siemens

Peter was a retiree from LEW

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Wayne Grant

Wayne Grant

Wayne was a retiree from LEW

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Dennis Carter

Dennis Carter

Dennis was a retiree from the HSM electrical

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In Loving Memory

Ross Makey

Ros was a retiree from LEW

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David Bell

David Bell

David was a retired Millwright at LEW

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In Loving Memory

Harry Roswell

Harry was a retiree from Plant services

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